Robert N. Testimonial

Customer Testimonial

Great local shirt company. Love the quality of the shirts. The turnaround was quick. Looking forward to working with them on more designs also. Thanks for the hard work.
Robert N.

Great local shirt company. Love the quality of the shirts. The turnaround was quick. Looking forward to working with them on more designs also. Thanks for the hard work.

I work at an advertising agency and use Choke for all of my printing needs. I need high volume prints for events.

- Sara C., Yelp

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If you EVER need tee shirts made... go to the place where the guy says "I cry inside a little every time someone orders a white tee shirt".

- Arry Y., Yelp

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Just picked up the first batch of GiftStarter t-shirts last night and they are FANTASTIC.

- Dae Y., Yelp

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